Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: Listening to your inner voice and following your guidance has finally paid off, you will be flowering very soon with an abundance of money, and prosperity. Do you mind still clinging to the past and obsessing over it, but you need to move forward towards new ideas and your plans. Today is a very auspicious day in many ways for you and you must offer some sweets to Poor people and children. It is always good to share your happiness with people who value that kind of joy in life. It is a good day to take blessings from your elders and feel that reassurance that your intuition will always guide you in the right direction. Blue and white are your lucky colors today.
♉ Taurus: You definitely feel some kind of deficiency in your body and that is really pulling you down physically, this must have happened to you in the past also when you are not eating healthy food or probably not taking enough rest. Your body has signs to tell you that it is probably not getting enough nutrition or rest. Today’s the day you absolutely keep everything aside and make sure that in the coming days you fix your Health and get a full body check-up to know what is the deficiency. Strike a balance between your work in your Health as both are equally important in order to feel the joy in life. Yellow and gold are your lucky colors today.
♊ Gemini: You have so many friends around you and you love to always have a lot of people in your life, but this has a tricky side to it also. Having those many friends can actually make you feel lonely many times. Because probably you are not looking for quantity, your soul may be seeking for that quality which kind of gets mixed up in the crowd and then you are not able to recognize it and connect with it. So probably start filtering the crowd or at least figure out that close connection that heals you inside out. You do feel slightly irritated with some people around you but having this people-pleasing personality you are not able to express yourself properly which is leaving you very anxious inside. I will suggest you express yourself. Red and brown now you’re lucky colors today.
♋ Cancer: You began a journey of healing but you’re not able to see when and how you will get healed. Stop questioning it and keep moving forward as it is beyond all the illusions that you have gathered in your head. A new adventure will soon begin and you will feel that childlike energy and life full of new opportunities and new rewards. The last month has not been easy for you and it has scarred you mentally and emotionally as the planetary position was a bit tough on you, but that is now behind you and you are surmounting your challenges and will be flying high very soon. Blue and orange are your lucky colors today.
♌ Leo: You are the king of the jungle, you are the lion, you are the zodiac, Leo. So please understand that even if you walk slowly you will still be the lion of the jungle and the king. Embrace this slow speed of things in your life because that’s how the lion operates and catches the opportunity with the right amount of power, authority, and patience. The slow speed in your life right now is the master's plan and this is what is going to get you the result or more than the result you have been hoping for. Do you drink a lot of water as you need to be hydrated and keep your stomach in good condition? For your zodiac not having good digestion can lead to many problems. Black and purple are your lucky colors today.
♍ Virgo: A feeling of unworthiness and unwanted around you today. But it isn’t true. Yes, I can see that the actions of some people can be very hurtful around you and make you feel very rejected, but don’t come to this conclusion justice yet as they may have a different explanation for their behavior. It probably is not their intention to reject you but probably it is the timing or maybe your expectation from them. Nevertheless, wait for a few more days before you address this issue and make the situation worse than it already is. Have patience and believe in yourself, and do believe in your words also. Give it another seven days from now and you will see things in a different light. Red and yellow are your lucky colors today.
♎ Libra: So so so irritated and so angry, you are all over the place where your emotions are concerned. I think you should just take a sabbatical from everything and sleep the entire day because you are constantly snapping at everyone and fighting for really no rhyme or reason. You are overthinking everything so much that you are mentally exhausted and you have no capacity to think anymore, hence I am telling you to take a nap I’ll probably have a spa day to relax your nerves. This kind of behavior is not leading you anywhere and you really need to have a good heart-to-heart conversation with yourself and understand the consequences of you being in such a self-destructive mood. Most definitely wear white colors today to keep you calm.
♏ Scorpio: I like the way you are thinking as you want to be very secretive and silent about the money or abundance that is coming your way. I agree with it there is no harm in being a little secretive and avoiding unnecessary suggestions and evil in your life. You may feel that it is taking too long for you to get something that you have desired for a very long time but just have a little more patience and you will see how things will surprisingly happen more than what you expected. Please avoid having any kind of argument with your domestic staff as that may lead you very nervous and helpless. Grey and maroon are your lucky colors today.
♐ Sagittarius: Your cards are funny today, as you are really trying to behave maturely, it is actually making you feel more exhausted and suffocated. As you really cannot behave the way you would like to behave this whole control is driving you crazy. You know what I tell you it is not all that difficult, listen to some great music as you always connect with music, and you will see how easily and effortlessly calmness will come inside of you. I see you are very irritated at your work because you feel if you want it right you may have to just do everything yourself and your colleagues are of no use whatsoever. I agree with what you are going through as you do have some not-so-smart people around you at work but still, you have to tackle all this with sensitivity and patience. Bottle green and dark pink are your lucky colors today.
♑ Capricorn: What a wonderful day for you today as you will be surprised by your lover with gifts and probably a plan for a vacation or a weekend out. This is going to be a very happy day for you as you were not expecting this at all. And those of you who are single may get some serious attention from your desired prospect. I am happy for you as you have been seeking some attention for a very long time now. At your workplace, you are expected today to lead a team and I can tell you that you will do that with a great amount of confidence and effortlessly. It is kind of a dream day for you today. All the shades of red are lucky for you today.
♒ Aqarius: Some new participations are coming into your life today and these participations will lead you to new life. These participations and connections with new people may have many different ideas and plans, so you must take your time to decide which plan are you going to embark on for this new journey of life. You must definitely meditate every day from today as that is going to get you immense clarity to be able to recognize what is your highest good and what is in the highest good for everyone who is involved in these prepositions. You will feel your soul consciousness at a very high level and it will lead you from a very deep spiritual place. Black and green are your lucky colors today.
♓ Pisces: I think I have seen these cards before also for you, is they come back again. All this irritation, anger, agitation, and guilt. Stop blaming yourself and figure out how you are going to fix this situation. You were not aware at that time that things may not go in your favor, so why are you blaming yourself? It is not that you have intentionally put yourself in this situation? So please relax use your God-given power and find out a solution to come out of this with the least amount of damage. I see someone helping you, an old friend or someone from fast whom you’re not in touch with can be of great use to you in this situation. Don’t get your ego in the middle of reaching out to someone for help, you need this friend and the guidance of this friend in your life today. Beige and silver are your lucky colors today. #dailyhoroscope2022#positiveposts
Trisha Dey
05 Aug 2022