Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: You need to get into some creative writing today, make time to write down your thoughts and your ideas as they will help you to get motivated and to manifest those ideas into reality. You need to believe that the new adventures of life are about to begin and you have to come out of it in fact, if I have to say you have to pull yourself out of this depression and slow feeling. You cannot be hopeless as you are the leader of the zodiacs and there are big expectations from you. You must pick some hobby as soon as possible specially that includes dancing or involves a lot of music in it as that is the key to heal you. Green and orange are your lucky colors today.
♉ Taurus: Absolutely bite your tongue and do not get provoked no matter what you hear today because you are in a mood to snap. That is going to really throw you off balance and do trust that people are saying annoying things to you because they see how involved you are and how far you are coming with your transformation. It is a test by the universe and somebody very close can say the most challenging or the most hurtful thing do you and you can find yourself back to square one. So today’s the day where you understand the divine order, and understand that everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion and see the underlying order. Black and purple are your lucky colors today.
♊ Gemini: You are so close to one of the biggest dreams of your life to come true, all you need to do is in the month of entire August is to let go of all the toxic people from your life or let go of people who do not fulfill any purpose of your life. I see a massive maturity coming in you by each passing day and you are being karmically very righteous and morally very high. Everybody’s talking about you and about all the changes that you have made and instead of understanding your journey and your transformation they are calling you fake an artificial. I don’t think you need to bother about it at all as this is your journey and you get to design not only your journey but even your destination with the highest consciousness. Green and white are you lucky colors today.
♋ Cancer: Some of you feel very bogged down today because of your weight issues. It could be some extra KG‘s or it could be that you’re underweight, but you’re clearly irritated about some of your body issues today. Do you feel surprised and you feel you’re emotionally conditioned and you cannot have a healthy lifestyle. But that is not true that’s a very nice of thinking and you’re thinking very less of yourself. Have a healthy lifestyle you need to have good sleep you are really sleep deprived and that is one of the reasons you probably are not physically active. your cage is open and nothing is really holding you back except your own mental condition and you need to counsel yourself and come out of it. Light green and gold are you lucky colors today.
♌ Leo: In spite of having a day which has a lot of success around it you are still very disturbed mentally. You probably are in a sorrow and missing a past relationship. You are questioning your happiness and your questioning what is that really gives you joy. Is it success or love? I will tell you the balance of both, one is both in life in a moderate amount. Excess of anything is bad and that goes for both love and success. You must get your chakra clearing done or go for somebody intense form of healing as your chakras are out of balance and it could be due to the full moon also.
♍ Virgo: You need to understand that once you get onto the journey of transition the chaos it is inevitable. I’m going to ask you to absolutely enjoy this chaos as there is a massive change beyond it. This is just an experience and this too shall pass. The change is very overwhelming and you are a little underconfident in your career but I promise you your life purpose is trigging to a blessed career change. You will soon see especially in the month of Vargo how things will pick up for you and your confidence will come back as well as your self-esteem. Red and white are you lucky colors today.
♎ Libra: After a long time you feel a lot of harmony in your relationships today. You feel like you can fly without wings and you just want to celebrate the day today. Just to hear some good words and loving words from somebody can change our entire thinking process and it can heal the deepest darkest zones of our body mind and soul. And that is something you are experiencing today, a conversation with someone will bring in menstrual and joy to you today. Angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved, arguments and conflicts are being resolved now. Royal blue and maroon are you lucky colors today.
♏ Scorpio: You are in 2 miles today, a day full of confusion especially I see in your friendships. Two friends of yours are saying two different things and you really don’t know whom to believe and it is really really annoying you know. You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings. I will suggest you not to comment on anything that you hear from either one of them and just keep going with the flow as the truth will come out on its own soon Monday, and even if it doesn’t I promise you it is really not that important also. Don’t repeat your past patterns and do not react and make a mountain out of a mole. Feruza Blue and beige are you lucky colors today.
♐ Sagittarius: Suppress your ego as today is the day to compromise, and trust me this compromise is in your highest good as this will take you to next level. This is from the universe and the source is guiding you to words a better future. You can be very lazy time to time and that is why sometimes the universe sends you these compromising situations which actually work in your favor. Keep an open mind, and learn new ideas. Then teach those ideas to others. Don’t preach what you have not practiced in your own life. You are very knowledgeable zodiac and at times that comes as a overconfident mindframe and becomes a block for you. Yellow and orange are you lucky colors today.
♑ Capricorn: Everything is happening exactly as it supposed to, with the hidden blessing you will soon understand. Just because you’re not understanding something that doesn’t mean that it is not happening. You are so close to creating a new life and I see a move, like a migration to a new country. You will be successful as you are being very silent about it and that is the way to go. Whenever in the past you have told a lot of people about your plans you find yourself losing interest in that plan. Sometimes it happens when we discuss about something our subconscious feels a great amount of satisfaction just by speaking about it and then we go into a laid-back attitude. Peach and gold are you lucky colors today.
♒ Aqarius: Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life. Just don’t sit back and wait for a miracle to happen, you need to create this miracle yourself as you have God-given power and strength. Stop procrastinating and take action today. Discuss certain issues of your life with a close friend as you will get the best guidance and reassurance. You need that one person in your life with whom you can discuss anything and everything without any judgment and I see you have a friend like that near you when you can trust 100%. Do some yoga or go to the gym for a workout as I see your muscles need a stretch and you need to awaken your energy. Pink and yellow are your lucky colors today.
♓ Pisces: I am glad to see that you’re putting all your attention in making money and you are trying to keep up with all the politics that is around you. Whenever you put attention to what people say you go in a dark space and then you don’t feel like doing anything. Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced. So for sometime completely ignore the gossip which is being done around you even if you have figured out the politics you don’t need to confront it. Time will heal you and so will your success. So just concentrate on success and put your blinders on. Green and red are you lucky colors today.