Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: You need to be a little more farsighted today, you have to understand the master's plan as you are thinking very little of the situation as of now. Your mantra of life has to be here and now and you have to learn to seize the day. You have to go beyond illusion and that is where you will find your key to success. Disconnect from the patterns that you have been on forever and get a new perspective and new strategies for your work plan. Give your cares and bodies to your guardian angels and allow them to take your burdens. Your guarding angels are around you and you will today get mini messages but example repeating numbers, bird feathers flying or maybe you will see butterflies. Do you know that these are your angels around you and they are protecting you? Pink and green are your lucky colors today.
♉ Taurus: You really need to learn the balance of handling your finances sometimes one finds you overspending and the other time you are acting like a total miser. It completely confuses people and many times confuses you also. Why don’t you strike a balance and figure out the priorities where you need to spend and where you need to save? One cannot do one thing forever and cannot be all spending or all saving. Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past illusions, and see the underlying order. Your guardian angels completely want you to balance your life and your thought process. Be morally correct and stick to your commitment. Gold and brown are your lucky colors today.
♊ Gemini: Go outside, get some fresh air, and connect with nature to relieve stress and gain new, creative ideas. What you’re going through right now is just an experience and it is not the story of your entire life. Listen to your inner voice as you are monetarily very sound and your career seems good, but the only thing that worries you is your relationship and your love life. This too shall pass, and you must have complete faith in it. It is a momentary thing and you will see from November and December of this year things will start to change in your favor and you will feel abundant in your love life as well. Take a walk with mother nature this week, walk on green grass or walk on the beach and communicate with Mother Earth. Royal blue and white are your lucky colors today.
♋ Cancer: Because of riches and stand up for your beliefs. You are a very sensitive zodiac and sometimes it is very necessary for you to be happy with everyone and for everyone to be happy with you. But my dear it is not possible all the time, you sometimes cannot please everyone but that doesn’t mean they are against you. One can agree to disagree. So you just stand up for what you believe and that is all that is needed from you today. Compare your life as you have come a long way and things are much greener for you. Your traveling plan will finally be complete today and you’ll have a massive breakthrough and a sigh of relief. Green and white are your lucky colors today.
♌ Leo: It is time for you to assume your leadership hours and position and lovingly guide others. First, you have to follow your guidance and then you will see how you will guide others. There are two forms of meditation that you need to do, first in the morning sit for 20 minutes and release all the negative ideas and negative thoughts and ill thoughts that you have towards anyone, I actually want you to think about all these negative thoughts and for you to process them. And again in the evening sit for 20 minutes and I want you to meditate on very positive ideas, very positive energies for all those people that you had negative energies in the morning. See yourself in white light with those people happy and joyful. Continue to do this for at least 21 days and I promise you you will tell me how your situation has flipped so much that you all are in peace and harmony with one another. Orange and beige are your lucky colors today.
♍ Virgo: We have started your birthday month, and your zodiac is extremely intuitive and spiritual. The element of your zodiac is earth and that always keeps you very practical and balanced. The source is definitely behind you and I see you consciously very high today and you are concentrating more on self-awareness than finding out about what other people are made up of. You will realize today how many small talks irritate you and you want to have one on one connections with people at a deeper level. Today’s a great day for you to plan a strategy for your healthy lifestyle and filter some toxic people from your life. Somehow your third eye is open today and guiding you at a very high soul consciousness level. Black and red are your lucky colors today.
♎ Libra: You will be proven innocent and right today. There have been a few contradictions and politics around you for quite some days now and today is the day where justice will be served and you will be proven innocent and right especially at your workplace. You have been very stressed about the politics around you in the past and now is the time it’ll start coming to an end. Pay attention to the thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers. You will have a face-to-face talk with someone and take your relationship to next level with a lot of clarity and understanding. Neon green and pink are your lucky colors today.
♏ Scorpio: Keep going with the flow as you are creating a better future for yourself and your loved ones. You are a little paranoid about traveling or probably getting into some new ventures but you need to know that everyone is safe around you and you are being protected by your guarding angels. Have that faith as it is time for you to embark on a new journey of existence and success. You sometimes find yourself micromanaging or multitasking everything alone but that is the divine plan for you as you are strong enough who can do it. Don’t be in self-pity, on the other hand, takes pride in being the master of your own life. Chocolate brown and silver are your lucky colors today.
♑ Capricorn: You definitely understand one thing today and that is that your happiness and your healing depend on how you celebrate your life. You definitely see that you have more reasons to celebrate than to cry. A day of self-awareness and gratitude. Do not hold back right now. The timing is perfect, and you’re ready to soar. A few of you want to travel or take a vacation and it’s very sudden, it is absolutely fine as this shift of energy is extremely important for you you must visit some pilgrimage or a shrine which will help you cleanse your aura and heal you in all your chakras. Your chakras will get aligned and balanced you will see a huge shift around you, especially in your business. Purple and white are your lucky colors today.
♐ Sagittarius: Sometimes when we wait for a reward way too long we kind of are not excited when we receive it. Something like this is happening with you today as you can make no sense of you being recognized or rewarded at this point in time you feel it has come a few years late. Don’t question the divine timing in fact have gratitude that you have at least received it in this lifetime. There are so many people who go unacknowledged and undiscovered throughout their life. You still have a lot of love and support and constant encouragement from a lot of people around you. Take a sabbatical for a few days to clear your head and connect with your higher self. Burgundy red and gold are your lucky colors today.
♒ Aqarius: In your business today there is a lot of participation today and a lot of hands are coming together on four new ideas and your ventures. you find your work growing at a rapid speed and somehow you want to involve your spouse or your lover in it. I’m not too sure if it is a great idea as it can backfire later in life. I understand your love and support for your lover, but it may cause ego clashes later. So you need to kind of take it easy relaxes and breathe on it for a few days and you will realize that it was not one of the most brilliant ideas. From time to time you can always take advice or counseling from your partner but working full time with each other can be futile. Red and green are lucky colors today.
♓ Pisces: Being an extremely intuitive and spiritual zodiac you are off and so vulnerable and weak that you lose your power to the other person. Use your God-given father and intention to manifest blessings in your life. You are today feeling guilty for something which I promise you you’re not guilty of. Stop thinking over and over again where you went wrong as the fact of the matter is that you were not wrong in whatever happened in your relationship in the recent past, it actually was the wrong timing and the wrong person. Have your closure and put an end to this and come out of this ordinary situation and make your life extraordinary. You definitely have the courage and means to do it you just have to connect with your higher self. Steel gray is your lucky color today. #dailyhoroscope2022#positiveposts
24 Aug 2022
andrea Kittan
Exactly what I wanted to hear today ❣️
andrea Kittan
24 Aug 2022