Yesterday I notice that my baby doesn't; put his right feet in straight direction
How to correct it's position
He doesn't like to wear shoes
tanvi verma
24 Jan 2018
Dr. Shilpitha
Okay tanvi..<br>
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6373e6ac08ae34001598fe4b </b></font> 's reply- <br>
Almost all babies are born with some degree of bowleggedness because of the cramped quarters in the womb,;Since there isn't enough room in there for a baby to stretch his legs out, the leg bones become a little curved. As children walk and bear more weight on their legs, the bones naturally straighten. New walkers tend to look particularly bowlegged because they bend their knees to help them balance and support their body weight. Don't stress about bowlegs unless your baby's legs are extremely or unequally curved, or the condition gets worse. If a child's shinbones or thighbones are slightly twisted, his feet will point slightly inward instead of straight ahead. Less commonly, pigeon toes or intoeing develop when the bones in the feet curve in. Both are the result of your baby's position in the womb, this will resolve by its own. it'll be easier for him to learn to walk inside when she's barefoot. Once he starts toddling, he'll need flexible-soled shoes for;walking;on pavement. contact your doctor right away if your child has symptoms like Asymmetry -bowing in only one leg, one toe turning in, dragging one leg, Redness or swelling in the legs or feet, Limping, Pain when walking, Legs turning outward, Constant tripping and falling..
24 Jan 2018
tanvi verma
One yr old and 10kg no he m
24 Jan 2018
Dr. Shilpitha
Can you pls mention baby's age- how many months?? Weight?? Was he pre term baby??
24 Jan 2018
Neha Agarwal
@616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 can doctor Praveen advise here ? :)
24 Jan 2018
tanvi verma
Even I have same shoe bazaar <br>
I will visit doc in morning <br>
Little worried abt my champ<br>
Someone suggest me to put shoes and give him massage with oil properly it will be correct <br>
Is it true
Dr. Shilpitha
24 Jan 2018