Hey guys hi!! My baby is one and half month old; i have been feeding her breastmilk plus top feeding since my milk supply is low and she cud not gain weight infact started loosing weight but now a daya she has started poting for only bottle feeds and becomes cranky; while breast feeding!! And i think these may lower my milk supply more what can be done please help
Rashmi Rajput
10 May 2018
Reeti Sharma
Facing same problem.. what is ur baby’s current weight?
11 May 2018
ritu singhal
Rashmi,check the flow,bottle usually has a steady flow and kids if they get used to it,they usually fuss at breast. To pace up the milk supply ,pump after every feed or every 2.5 hrs. Do express and then give bm. Try when baby is little hungry. See if it works.
If she is getting cranky while breast feeding then you can express your milk and feed her by bottle.. this way she will get all the reqd nutrients..; keep pumping,it will increase the breast milk supply too.. you can also give her top feed first and when she's almost full, try latching her directly to your breast.. she's still small so must be getting tired sucking your breast that's why cranky.. bottle gives an easy access to milk and babies don't have to work too hard.. that's why sometimes they stsrt preferring bottle over breasts.. but don't worry.. pump and also latch..;
10 May 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Initially the baby loses weight and starts gaining after three or four weeks. It's normal to loose weight initially. Relax. Secondly I suggest you eat a well balanced diet, stay hydrated and very importantly do not stop breastfeeding. Your milk supply is more than enough for the baby. If ur baby pees six to seven times a day its a sign of well fed baby. Babies if bottle fed becomes comfortable with bottles as the flow of milk is much faster n easier than sucking from the breast. Include all veggies except gassy foods, garlic, turmeric, ajwain, cumin, pepper, fennel, drumstick, bottle guard to increase milk supply. If possible stop bottles. Try persuading only breast feeding if ur supply is critically low then opt for supplements.
Reeti Sharma
11 May 2018