Hey hello everyone,what kind of questions are suppose to ask to the gynac before registering in the hospital for delivery
Priyanka Shinde
21 Oct 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
regarding NICU-<br>
1) first important question whether NICU will be having 24×7 neonatologist or pedeatric doctor<br>
2) does it have specialised experts i mean staff nurse, lab technicians, respiratory spevialists specializing NICU..<br>
3) how are respiratory problems, neonatal jaundice etc cases are managed in NICU<br>
4) and ask other moms who have experienced with the respected hospital NICU<br>
5) check the environment of NICU whether noisy or silent or busy one<br>
6) about visiting hours for parents<br>
7) how the nutritional need of baby will be managed by bm or iv dextrose or FM...<br>
8) what is the charge payable for one day of NICU and maximum how many days baby will be kept..<br>
9) check the hygiene is maintained properly or not- usually masks and gloves or sanitizers are used to care neonates..
22 Oct 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d9a03f31520016a69f94 </b></font>-<br>
stem cell banking-<br>
1) first and foremost question- to know about there quality standards and there accreditations- whether they have accreditations with national and international bodies<br>
2) always make sure to enroll with stem cell banking directly not with the help of any sales man<br>
3) always opt for publicly traded company- as it will be well equipped, less price compared to private one and most importantly they have financial backup as some private companies closes because of financial crisis..<br>
4) about the experience of company and number of samples stored under there laoratory..<br>
5) how the cord blood is processed and stored in there lab<br>
6) Check if there are any successful transplants using the samples preserved in their bank. <br>
7) check whether the price is fixed plan or change in future..
22 Oct 2017
Akshaya Naresh
Awesome points <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></font> !Thanks much! What questions should I ask regarding nicu and stem cell banking<u>?</u>
22 Oct 2017
Akshaya Naresh
Am sorry!🙈 I didn't read it properly <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 </b></font> .
22 Oct 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font>- sure will do that!!!
Dr. Shilpitha
22 Oct 2017