hey mommies.. I wanna share with u all my personal experience which I have gone and yet going through..
Like any other parents me and my husband were waiting eagerly for our lil one.. everything was going well..all the reports and tests were normal.. until the growth scan in the third trimester.. doc said baby's growth has stopped and we will have to deliver.. my due date was 20th jan.. but I went through c section on 26th dec.. first three days my baby was all well.. after that doc said that he is looking depressed and has slight jaundice.. jaundice is common among new borns so we were not too scared. he was shifted from nursery to NICU. after that he was diagonised with low calcium level and sepsis.. his feeding was stopped and was given antibiotics. after few days doc suspected of something serious. samples was sent for a test called TORCH test.. here t represents toxoplasmosis, 0- other diseases including HIV, syphillis, measles, R represents rubella, C-cytomegalovirus and H- herpes simplex. in this test R was positive.. that meant he had rubella..
now, rubella is a virus that causes rashes and fever. it infects the fetus. it gets transmitted from person to person.. and from mother to a child in womb. I had rashes and fever in 2nd month of pregnancy.. and I didn't know anything about rubella. it was summer and we thought it to b heat stroke.. so, my child got infected..
rubella has many serious effects.. it effects vision, growth, heart, ear, brain of a child.. I had my delivery due to stopped growth of my child.. his vision and heart is also effected.. by gods grace his brain and ears are all right.. he has PDA(hole) in his heart.. and cataract in both eyes.. one eye surgery has been done.. second eye surgery is to b done in April. and he has to undergo heart surgery too.. everytime he goes to hospital I feel so guilty that it's all bcoz of me that he has to suffer. he is fighting from the 3rd day itself.. I just keep myself calm by thinking that everything will b cured.. and he will b perfectly well in few months.. although he is doing well.. he is not going through any problem in general.. but yet u all can understand how parents feel when their child has to go through these..
ps- all to b mom please take care of urself in the first three months of ur pregnancy.. these 3 months are very crucial.. and if possible before planning for pregnancy go for rubella vaccinen if u never had this vaccine before..
I know this is a long post..but I wanted to share so that no one else has to go through this situation..
just pray for my child and bless him so that he wins all his wars.. and b healthy and happy forever.
27 Mar 2017
sonam patel
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @610c2e0b1fb553001b3023e7 </b></font> yes blood <u>sample</u> is given
31 Mar 2017
sonam patel
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d6c6d28b060015d9657e </b></font> I don't think chicken pox has anything to do with rubella.. rubella is <u>caused</u> due to german measles.
31 Mar 2017
Sikha Agarwal
first of all thanks a lot for sharing ur experience... god blessing r there wd u n d little cham.. he vl soon b alright dear...dnt worry we all moms vl pray together..
31 Mar 2017
Pooja Singh
do we have to give blood sample for TORCH?
31 Mar 2017
Pooja Singh
ur baby will be fine sonam. keep hope in god. nd it is so kind of u that u shared it here. u really have a brave heart too that u could think of helping others in <u>this</u> duration of time. may god bless u nd ur baby.
sonam patel
31 Mar 2017