Hey new mommies, is your baby stretching, squirming or farting up a storm? Is he/she colic? Please read...
I had mentioned in my post about burping, that in spite of burping, massaging or exercising, baby will still develop gas. I would pat and pat my baby until he had burped 2-3 times and yet he would be stretching and straining. At first, I thought it was normal, but then it got so bad that he could not sleep peacefully for even 10 minutes. 
At this time, my maalishwali aunty told me to give 'uramarunu'. This is probably well known traditional medicine to Malayalis and Tamilians. It is administered to the baby after bath. But I,  being suspicious of each and everything put in my baby's mouth (everything except my breast, that is 😁), nodded my head in agreement with a smile while I thought in my mind that I am not going to listen to any crazy suggestions.
Meanwhile, I was giving colic aid, giving my baby tummy time, massaging him, but the nights and days without sleep just kept becoming worse. After another relative too advised uramarunu, I decided to give it a try.
Uramarunu contains multiple ingredients, but I did not use all of them. You can use three ingredients: Sweet Flag, Nutmeg and Gall-Oak. In hindi they are called Vaasaka, Jaiphal and Majuphal respectively. In malayalam, vayambu, jaathikka and mashikkaya.
Benefits:- All three aid in digestion, and increase appetite in babies. Sweet Flag cures stomach pain and chest phlegm also. Nutmeg is also good for sleep. Gall-Oak is also good for healthy teeth and gums.
How to use:- You can get these in shops where raw medicinal herbs are available. To use, you can simply wash and air dry them inside your home at a clean dry place(do not sun dry). Once dried well, store in airtight container. This has to be given as soon as the baby is bathed, on alternate days. That is, just at the spot when baby finishes bathing, so it has to be prepared before you bathe the baby. Then after finishing dressing up the baby, feed her with breast milk or formula. After use of the herbs, again they have to be washed and dried before storing. This is to prevent it from forming fungus.
How to prepare: Express a spoon of breast milk or use one spoon boiled water cooled to warm. Take a clean stone for rubbing these. Use the milk or water to wet the ingredients and rub each twice to get a bit of the medicine on stone. The entire rubbed medicine should be a paste that can be collected at the tip of forefinger (one pinch). Mix this in the remaining breast milk or 1 spoon formula, as it is a bit spicy and make baby have it.
In my experience, baby was sleeping better and stopped the stretching and straining, and got relief from gas completely. I must have used it only for some 15 days then discontinued, since baby no longer had any trouble from gas.
Disclaimer:- I am just a mother like you, and this is from my own experience. It is a traditional medicine used in South India, and you can use it only if you are comfortable. Do initial test for any allergic reaction.










Sheeba Vijesh

<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d55db46822a001361f292 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> thank you... &#9786;




Ashika Imthiyaz

very best medicine to colic babies..&nbsp; nd nice post Sheeba..&nbsp; really it will be helpful first time mommies..&nbsp;




Sheeba Vijesh

Thank you <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729cb9d28b060015d961b4 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> &#128522;




shivanii jamwal

Nice <u>post</u>




Sheeba Vijesh

Hi <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372c2512338f60015eaf26a </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> here are the names in telugu that google gave me - Sweet flag : Vasa, Nutmeg: Jajikayi, Oak-Gall: Machikaaya.



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