Hey there everyone.... This post is more about curiosity and anxiety....
I have had my scan at the 9th week and now waiting for the NT scan which is to be done on the 14th of may....
But the thing is I'm counting days for the scan.;; (Not that I'm not scared abt the results) but anxious to hear the lil ones heart beat.... the first tym I heard I was dazed and sooooo happy to hear it.... was 179beats per min... my god can't wait to hear that thumping sound again... Having said all this I'm also worried about the scan results hoping and keeping fingers crossed that all goes well...
Anyone of u had this kind of feeling or its my hormones again playing out......????..
Krutika Gor
30 Apr 2018
Krutika Gor
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616daebc46822a0013625613 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> same here.. excited to hear the thumping heartbeat.. at the same tym nervous n hoping allz well .....
11 May 2018
Nitika Chopra
@616dae5bb34e550013ec4cc3 yes mine is also due on the 15th..all the best to you also.i am super excited and nervous at same time..yes lets hope it goes well for both of us😊🙏
11 May 2018
Krutika Gor
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616daebc46822a0013625613 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> all the best for ur scan tomorrow.... remembered u sharing that u have ur NT scan on the same day as I have... <br>
Let's hope the best for us... 🙏😊🤘
11 May 2018
Nitika Chopra
Hi @616dae5bb34e550013ec4cc3 i am also sailing in the same boat..exactly same feeling!!!!too many emotions at the same time.mine NT scan is also due around 15th..i guess staying positive can help us overcoming our fears and we can enjoy this beautiful stage of our lives.
30 Apr 2018
Aditi Adlakha
Yes. Seeing your baby gives the amazing feeling. Anamoly scan gave the best feeling. It looked like baby said "hi momy" waving his/ her hand.
Krutika Gor
11 May 2018