Hey there..have you just completed 30 revolutions around the Sun or have you already entered few years past into the dirty thirties? Congratulations! Then you would very well know how it feels to be.
Isn't it an exaggeration that thirties are called as 'dirty'? Well..not really,;because that what it leaves you feeling, at the end of the day - Dirty and Exhausted.;
The last 3 decades of your life have been decided by and dedicated to the 4 P's- Parents, Professors, Partner (Life) and Profession. When you stop and look back, you realize that you have hardly done anything for the sake of your personal happiness. Every decision of your life has been revolving around these 4 Ps.
That's when you feel that you have been totally worked up, feel exhausted and guilty for cheating yourself all this while.
Welcome to the dirty thirties ..my dear!
You have the best family, lovable husband, an enviable position in a reputed company, your dream house, an exciting lifestyle ...but wait...do you feel happy internally? Do you feel at peace with yourself emotionally?
Is there an emotional turmoil in your mind and soul waiting to erupt any time? Then just relax... breathe...and rush through these 10 points for a better life ahead.
1. Power of positivity:; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
Make a list of powerful positive affirmations on a chart paper and stick them on the wall next to your bed. Every morning read them as soon as you wake up. For eg:; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
;* I am the best.;
* I am in charge of my life.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
* I control my own happiness.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
* All my problems have solutions
* Everything will be alright
* I am proud of myself.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Do Meditation/ Pranayama every day followed by some yoga asanas, exercise, Zumba or aerobics. This helps you connect your mind with your body and helps to focus and bring your thoughts on the correct track. Your happy hormones are released that keeps you joyful even on a horrible day.
3. Planning/Journaling:
Make a list of tasks to be accomplished according to their priorities. It can be daily, weekly or monthly. It includes- daily routine chores,; daily or weekly menu list, grocery shopping, bills to be paid, deadlines at work, meetings/ social gatherings to attend, goals to achieve etc. Start with the least priority tasks because those are the things you keep procrastinating. The important ones will obviously be get done categorically . You can maintain a journal to even pour out your inner feelings and emotions. Journaling makes day to day life less stressful and easier. A lot of precious time and energy can be channelized fruitfully.
4. Me time:
In today's hectic lifestyle, every woman, whether working or stay at home, needs some time purely for herself. It helps you to rejuvenate yourself and bring out the best in you. Do not feel guilty about it. Try and tap some time for your self whenever possible and do what you feel like doing and not what you have been doing out of force. Try waking up an hour early than you did before and spend some time with yourself. I'm sure you will be amazed by your own magical charm.
5. Let - go:
It's high time now that you let-go off a few things from your life. You were ignorant till now and caught in your own web of faulty thought processes. But not anymore... Remember to let go of these few things:
✓ Unrealistic expectations;
✓ Fear of failure
✓ Worrying about future or repenting about past
✓ Insecurities - Rather work upon to enhance yourself securely
✓ Procrastination - deviates you from the path of performance
✓ Complaints and grudges - absolutely futile to invest your time and energy in this
✓ Comfort zone- Don't remain shackled on the safe shores of your comfort zone. This is the time to move out and take a plunge into deep sea waters. Either you will achieve something or you will learn a lesson.
6. Avoid electronics:;;;
Spend at least an hour each day without using any electronic gadgets - ->mobiles, iPads, television, laptops, etc. It will increase your efficiency and productivity in the long run. 7. Be creative :
;Learn and create something new each;day. Whether it's some new recipe, art & craft activity, painting, embroidery, writing prose or poetry, learning to sing or dance, new hairstyle, etc, just do something different each day. You will feel proud of yourself and you will definitely wake up cheerful the next day, eager to fall in love with yourself, all over again. Also, you will end up knowing your hidden talents and secret passions.
8.Happy corner:
Maintain a happy/ peace corner at your home that contains stuff to make you feel joyful instantaneously. For eg: old photographs, scented candles, favourite novels, fresh colourful flowers, a collection of favourite music/movies, favourite chocolates, etc anything that uplifts your mood and reduces your stress levels. Do not keep the frustration pent up in your heart, just go to your happy corner and release all the negativity while you happily charge up on your positivity.
9. Nutrition:
It's tremendously essential to have a healthy body first to achieve a healthy mind. Eat proper nutritious meals at correct intervals. Stay hydrated and keep snacking at regular intervals. Avoid junk on regular basis. Instead, adopt the healthier alternatives easily available these days. Remember homemade food retains all the love and warmth even if it loses the heat. So ditch the cafes and the tacky food joints that reheat food each time to bring out the taste for you and start carrying your own box of happiness.
10. Self-care:;
Last but not the least....the most important point to remember. Pay attention to yourself. How often do we actually devote time to pamper ourselves??? Frankly speaking..hardly 25% of the women population do that. We usually feel it's a waste of time and we put other priorities on top of the list. But this is not a healthy situation. You are a mature individual just like everyone else and entitled to live life in your own terms and conditions. You don't owe an explanation to anyone to celebrate and enjoy your existence in your own sweet ways.;
So next time don't dress up to make someone else happy, instead, wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. Try out new hairstyles and flaunt boldly. Don't bother if someone mocks at you. For heaven's sake, they might be totally jealous of your gutsy attitude. If you have nowhere to dress up and go, and you have planned to stay home and brood over it, well..then at least moisturize your skin, apply some quirky nail paint, a tinge of a poppy lip gloss, a dash of kajal and a spray some light perfume.. so that you will be automatically transformed into the magical queen that you are, ready to charm the world with her Mind and Might.❤
25 Jun 2019
Varsha Rao
Very well written dear
25 Jun 2019
Varsha Rao
Amazing post dear
25 Jun 2019
Anjali Naik
Yes dear <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616da14c8054f30013c5bccd </span></b> I had written it last year, few days after my 30th bday ☺️
Varsha Rao
25 Jun 2019