How are u all ? My venture is keeping me on toes so not able to respond promptly .; Plus Mr.officer was here ❤❤ he is leaving tommorow and will be in no network zone until June 😭😭😭😭
God knows how would I manage ..
Anyway this post was to appreciate the sales and services team of babychakra .. I placed an order for slurrp farm pancakes mix but before that I added in my cart and couldn't process it somebody from sales me emailed me immediately if I needed any assistance or facing any issues while ordering 😍😚
The order was expected to be delivered on 25th but it reached me 3 days before expected delivery date ..
The service, the team everything was a smooth sail.. Shout out to Team Babychakra ❤❤ This is my version of slurrp farm chocolate suoergrains pancake loaded with nuttella, cream, nuts , coconut nd some belgian coco sprinkles
Neha Singhal
12 Apr 2019