hi aditi, it's been 9 months now of my delivery, I didn't get any time to check myself and still to. I have gained weight and flesh ..specially have large tummy now, could I please tell me in short how to start with exercises ,earlier I was doing Zimbabwe before pregnancy and was always in proper weight . I have very less time as I hv small kid and house hold chores , I will continue breast feed till this year end. please tell me routine exercise to start with and when can I can gradually increase so that I get proper belly and fit body again, also due to huge stress of preterm labour last year , I have lost bother mental and physical stamina, I want to gain both please advice. thanks in advance
Aradhana Sharma
27 May 2017
aditi manja
hi aradhana! hugs to you girl. The thing that is in your control right now is your diet. you don't need any extra effort for that. Cut down on your portions by a third and have 6 to 7 small meals. In between meals you can have dry fruits, any fruit, a small glass of milk, threptin biscuits, sprouts. Get a weighing machine and start weighing yourself regularly. It will help you. Since you get enough of a cardio with the baby and house chores, consider working out with your baby. There are really good mommy baby workouts online. You can also take your baby on walks with you. For mental health my only advice would be to love yourself. We often beat up ourselves a lot to become the best in everything. Don't. When you get time, listen to music, sing, dress up do anything that you really love. It's not easy but ask your husband's help and get some me time. Tc! :-)
27 May 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
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aditi manja
27 May 2017