Hi all. I have a 5 day old baby girl. till now,I haven't been able to successfully breastfeed her. doc said my nipples are small so....having the following problems:
1. I tried using nipple shield. it worked twice but now she isn't taking milk through that as well.
2. I have started using pump to express milk since I really want her to have only breast milk. but since yesterday,her appetite has increased and I am.unable to produce enough milk to fulfill her demand.
will be grateful if someone can help me on these issues.
Gargi Vaish
30 May 2017
Sonali Shivlani
Small nipples is not an issue. It's when nipples are flat that there can be a challenge in latching the baby. The nipple puller which is available in the market is much better and easier to use than the cut syringe which can be painful. Use the nipple puller before each feed. So when it is time to feed before latching the baby on use the nipple puller for a few suctions and then quickly latch baby on. If feeding expressed breast milk do not use the bottle.
30 May 2017
Gargi Vaish
thanks a lot everyone for the suggestions. will definitely try these. hope I make some progress <u>soon</u>
30 May 2017
Aradhana Sharma
you have got all answers. to add on i would say take proper diet , check this article , foods which help in increasing bm <font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/841">Foods that Support and Enhance Breastfeed</a></b></font>
30 May 2017
hii. I have faced the same issue 2 weeks back.. u will get nipple puller in pigeon.. try to pull out nipples.. for every 2 hrs try to feed her directly or with nipple shield.. to increase milk.. have a glass of milk 3 times a day.. take bread , rusks, jeera water, barley water, soups etc to improve milk.. stay strong.. I have tried these and now I am able to give milk to my little one.. all the best..
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30 May 2017
Sonam zarin
when my baby was in NICU...my milk didn't came.... it took me an hour to express 30 ml of milk.. but i tried....then when i started to spend more time with my baby my milk supply almost doubled....so try these if these dobt work then takw some foods that boost milk production....like masur ki daal drink it twice thrice.... milk.... methi saag... shatavari... galact powder... lots of water... and many more...hope that helps
Sonali Shivlani
30 May 2017