Hi all mommies.. i am really tensed. I am trying my best to breastfeed my baby but she doesn seem satisfied. On talking to the paed he said to feed 1 ounce top feed if she wants more.
I want to know in the whole day how much top feed can i give if i am low on my milk.?
Khushboo Pitti
21 Feb 2018
asha chaudhry
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @60350f03d7e985001bd8b460 </b></span> in the day time try every 2 hrs. At night every 3 hrs will do. Pls pls read this article - <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/2455">Breastfeeding Basics: How Much And When</a></b></span>
21 Feb 2018
Khushboo Pitti
Hi all.. thanks for the replies.. my baby is latching well. But i am feeding her every 4 hrs and i think thats why she is hungry. I will try feeding her every 2.5 hrs now on.. hope i dun have to top feed much. As it is i have kept the choice of top feed only during night..
21 Feb 2018
ritu singhal
Khushboo sweetheart,i know its overwhelming with such a small baby being never satisfied! Its seems never ending as of now,but this shall too pass..I would strongly recommend NOT to start top feed at this age. Please let her latch on as long and as much as she wants. Try to increase your diet which will gradually come in and TRUST me,at this age babies have need to suck and this is crucial to establish your milk supply. I know my opinion is Drastically different than what everybody else is saying. I have reason behind this,no matter how much my paed told me this i was too stressed too initially and wanted to start top feed. As it was first child and you know nothing about how ur life changes after a child so it becomes tough of a job. Its difficult but not impossible. And now,with perseverance i am able to exclusively breastfeed. I read <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d0591b34e550013eb9a72 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> comment somewhere that she was able to do it for her second child. It encouraged me to take this challenge. I took it and am successful so far. <br>
Only after you have exhausted all your efforts and have tried to the brim then start top feed that too once or twice only. Meanwhile keep pumping and latching baby,you will reach there! Happy feeding,lots of good wishes and blessings your way. May god satisfies your child with your milk 💞
21 Feb 2018
Mahi Gajwani
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @60350f03d7e985001bd8b460 </b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b></b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b></b></span> <br>
Pls relax
I too never knew about top feed.; <br>
My baby from first day is on top feed ...
Completely agreed with Nancy di ..asha di ..n sneha di ...
How do u know milk is not sufficient..<br>
First start with 30 ml n gradually increase it to 60 ml...
To increase milk supply..I m.still taking Lactare tablets..<br>
N galact powder<br>
.. easily available in medical store
21 Feb 2018
Sneha Khandait Deshmukh
https://youtu.be/k7HHMWGP_QM <br>
Check out this <u>link</u>
asha chaudhry
21 Feb 2018