Hi all, my baby is of age 4 weeks . she is doing lot of pee in an hour 6 to 7 times and she is not at all sleeping. but is not crying, when ever she is do pee she cries and do breast feeding then she keep quite. please suggest what could be problem or what needs to be taken care
sandhya rani
12 Apr 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
Baby is too small <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63782be94e57630016d4e88a </b></font> . Babies will usually cry while peeing or pooing...it's normal. It's due to pressure. Baby yet to develop and have control over her things. It's totally fine to pee 6-7 times. Don't worry baby is healthy. Give as much BM as possible. Baby won't sleep all the time. If baby is not crying then everything is fine. That time just talk to your baby so that you can bond wel. Remember to burp baby after every feed. And give few minutes of tummy time.
Roopashree Siddireddy
13 Apr 2017