Hi all, Travelling to Alaska next week. Long 36 hour journey two transit, 3 flights. M worried how baby will manage and how I will. Read a few article still my anxiety level is high. Need tips on travel. Baby food ( he is a little fussy child and is on BF) , things to carry, Clothes baby will need should I layer him and jacket. Important things I will need for baby. I hate long journey and transits myself and this is my baby's first journey.Lot worried how to do. So its baby hubby and me traveling. Need help and immediately because I have not started packing shopping not over will go mad. Don't have anyone at howe as well to help. Thinking I should I ask my parents to come over but that too will take 2 days journey and don't want to trouble them. What to do? suggestions please.
snigdha sahoo
03 Aug 2017
Ellora Mohanty
It's okay don't overthink, everything will be okay. Just go through the articles which Khushboo shared and this one might help. <font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/966">Are you prepared enough for travelling with your baby?</a></b></font><br>
04 Aug 2017
khushboo chouhan
hey check <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/2210">A Mom’s Personal 20-Item Checklist For Travelling With a Baby! Tell her what she missed.</a></b></span>
Ellora Mohanty
04 Aug 2017