Hi dr suddenly these pimple appear on my baby feet and hand.. what to do
HiteShikha Gilhotra
11 Mar 2019
Dr.Priyanka Patel
this can be foot and mouth disease is also known as hand foot and mouth disease this is caused by hsv virus but do not worry if baby is having fever then we will need to give calpol 250 mg to baby but other than that we need to hydrate the baby so if baby is older than 7 months we can give more of fluids in form of juices breastmilk and adding more water to formula this will help to flush out the viruses the problem will heal within 7 days but make sure you do not rub your baby while bathing and do not apply so also try to bath her baby with Neem leaves water distal subside you can visit your pediatrician do not worry
Dr.Priyanka Patel
16 Mar 2019