Hi Everyone, I will be joining my office soon, i do not have support system neither parents nor in laws. Mine is a desk job and requires 8 to 9 hours to be in it. my work place is about 1 hour far from home ( rented- can change as per situation). (Office doesn't have daycare) Please provide some suggestions as i am not able to take a decision. Whether to keep a maid at home or keep baby at daycare. Ps- When i join ofc my daughter will be 6 months old. Please help... Thanks in advance
Hi dear...at first congratulations on joining back work . I was also at same stage and delimma before joining back work...however I was lucky as my child completed a year then I joined. I am sure you must be having six months maternity leave ...and still u have time left to prepare completely. I suggest you following and also I wrote about my experience which can help u..; u should work on following :- 1. As soon as your child starts on solid ...prepare all home.made cerlac,foods things so that you can give to your caretaker for feeding your child in your absence...clearly avoid packed market foods.2. day care will be good option..if it's near your office, it has good hyegeine safe environment and cctv faculty available.., and also u can check lunch time ..since I have no one to monitor nanny ahome better opt for a good day care , and people were they are cooperative e ough .4. store your breast milk in the morning hours before leaving for office..invest in good electric pump. Sterlize the .spoons,bottles everything in advance and keep it in air tight container and guide your caretaker to feed your baby.5. give toys as per baby's age to care taker so that they can be your proxy in your absence for baby's mental engagement level. Focus should be on baby's nutrition ,hyegeine ,day time naps ,and meaningful play for his overall development ..if a day care can provide and corporate with you for this ...you should chose that..; I believe it's very important for a women to live up to her dream as when we love ourselves we provide best to our baby ..as a mother you want to give best to your child and when at your back you can arrange someone who can give that care in a overall way ..by organising things well ,,,you can manage well your baby even in your absence. Best of luck.. do share your day to day hurdles there are many loving moms who joined back work who will be able to help ..
Neha Agarwal
28 Feb 2018