Hi everyone my life has changed so much ..just want to share with u  my lo has turned 2 month today gods has been a unusual journey so pragancy was unexpected as I was having periods till 2Nd month of pragancy  it came as a shock when I started vomiting slot and went to Dr and Dr did usg and find out that m not suffering from ulcer but. pregnant ..seems funny unreal but true and my husband were not ready at all but some how convinced our self as gods gift..our families were at cloud 9 my whole pragancy went well..I came to my paternal home for delivery and my water broke before time and contracton started..I had to travel 90 km to reach hospital as  near by hospital was full I had to bear 30 hour of labour as Dr was on leave it was Easter..finally I delivered my lil angel but c didn't cry c was not breathing and turned blue immediately nurse took action and cryed they gave me her fist feel it was heaven in hands but soon c was taken to Nicu ..and keep her under observation. c was doing great..I had to go to her to feed her  in every 2 hour ..but my milk had no came yet Dr told it will take 3 days I was trying and c was given formula milk my husband all were eager to hold her in our arms ...c got  discharged on the second day and we came home first time her father held her an amazing smile came over him ...the very next day c got jaundice again shifted to Nicu and yet my milk had not came. .c was there for more two days and I was going to her in every two hours to feed  lastly on the fifth day milk production started but it was v low and I could feel my baby is hungry..we came home I tried bf her every 2 hour but c slept  I  tickled in her era  even I taped  in her legs which was pain full to her and me too ..the more I tried the more c slept .her pee found was 4 5 I went to Dr several time they just told me it's fine keep bf no need of fm on the 15 the day of her bith we too her weight c lost 700gm which was unusual.  I. cryed like hell and called my husband and came to my sasural here after two days of discussion with Dr permission started fm and my lo looked satisfied my test report  came I had malaria anaemic and had ppd..after 2 month of struggling now c us doing better in between c got cold c has server acid reflux but keeping it up with help of family and my baby chairs friends I felt lovely to being a mother .thank y all u mother and thanks baby chakra. m a proud mother of Aayat afsheen










Nasrin Ali

god bless u both...njoy ur motherhood dear.


