This is my 3 year old daughter Amaya. We are concerned that she is not communicating. Ok so she will say words, she can sing poems, every song of every movie that she watches like Ice Age 3, Angry Birds etc., she will try to sing along the musicals but because she don't know the words but she will just synchronise the entire rhythm of the song. She will face you with her back towards the TV and do an action which is just about to come up on the screen. She know the sequences so well. She will say few words and will repeat you precisely. She will say "I Love You" after you and ofcourse in a way because she just learnt it. She can "A" for Apple, "A" for Arrow and "A" for Aeroplane all on the same page but just pointing of the finger at the different object everything. But she won't communicate. She won't ask a question or demand a particular thing or request for the same. She is sometimes attentive but the other times she is just not in to hearing or understanding or reacting to anything that you may say.
We are so confused that what is the matter? Why she is not communicating? Do we need to see a specialist? We are in Kolkata but we can travel to any place where there is a good doctor who can be the right one for this and who can help us? Please advise.
Deep Verma
23 Mar 2018
Deep Verma
@61321b91c71eba0013440537 yaar I just checked. They don't have even a single Developmental Pediatrician. There are all psychologist and physiotherapists. What you say?
25 Mar 2018
sonam patel
25 Mar 2018
Deep Verma
Thanks @616d9066791e5a0013a088c7 . 🙏
25 Mar 2018
Deep Verma
@61321b91c71eba0013440537 You said 27th right?
25 Mar 2018
sonam patel
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616dad98b34e550013ec4a2c </b></font>; caring minds too have developmental pediatrician... <br>
And did you talk to your wife?; As I need to confirm <u>them</u>
Deep Verma
25 Mar 2018