everyone in my family asking me to avoid dhal, coconut and certain foods since i breastfeed. is it true that wat we eat directly goes into the breastmilk and affects the baby as well ?
Dr.Vidhya Sudarshan
21 Oct 2017
Jigma Waghmare
Agree with Sheeba Vijesh and in fact m being fed coconut dry n wet for better breast milk produce and after my episiotomy stitches have healed .. I have started eating everything in moderation.
21 Oct 2017
Sakshi Singh
also taking a proper pre natal is important.try mama earth plant DHA its really effective
21 Oct 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b>Dr.Vidhya Sudarshan</b></font> anyway baby will get gas and cry(due to gas or innumerable other reasons), no matter what you do... sometimes its not due to physical discomfort, it can also be due to need for comforting... so best is to eat healthy and take care of your health as well... my sil avoids most of the things that is edible(she wont eat fruits saying baby would get cold and many other things saying baby will be gassy)... and yet baby will cry whole night... i on the other hand used to eat everything i could get my hands on and baby never cried at all... its just different temperaments of babies or what, i don't know... but even doctors ask to have everything in moderation...
21 Oct 2017
Dr.Vidhya Sudarshan
i had cabbage last week and baby kept crying whole night then i was asked to avoid <u>cabbage</u>
21 Oct 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
yes our breastmilk gets flavours and nutrients from food we eat, but that doesn't mean eating spicy food makes breastmilk spicy... just have regular, balanced and nutritious food and have everything in moderation. Other than avoiding junk and oily food, i used to eat everything including dal and coconut...
Jigma Waghmare
21 Oct 2017