Hi. I am a mom of twins born on oct 3rd a boy a girl. i have been formula feeding my babies since day 1. I tried breastfeeding but was unsuccessful. i feel guilty.. depressed and sad all the time. i feel like the worst mom. Are formula fed babies equally healthy as breastfed. will they have good IQ levels. will they face problems in the future because of formula milk. i feel horrible.
12 Jan 2017
Anju Maria
Don't feel guilty. You can choose a formula with prebiotics coz that is the closest to breastmilk. Our paediatrician suggested aptamil and we used it for our baby coz I was low on supply too. Aptamil is good for gut health too.
11 Dec 2020
Charu Gujjal
Hey, don't feel guilty. I am a mother of twins too and have faced all these dilemmas. The more you stress and feel guilty the less milk you produce. These days formula milk is designed keeping the age and requirements of kids in mind and they are equally healthy options. It's true that breastmilk is the best but if not given doesn't make you any less of a Mother. Bond with your kids well and keep them happy which can happen only when you yourself stay happy. My kids have been on a mix of formula and breastfeed. When you have twins in the house breastmilk or formula doesn't matter, what matters is to meet the needs and requirements of both the kids on time. Once kids grow you will find them at par with all the other kids. So chill and enjoy your motherhood.
13 Jan 2017
Priya Sood
Hello! We Mom Stars are here for you. Loads of moms face this. Even i had issues of not being able to feed. But i did not give up and kept trying. Initially baby was on formula but then i was able to feed and did so till he was 2 years! Connect with us. Keep chatting and let us be each others support. We are amazing moms!
13 Jan 2017
Prisha Lalwani
I have been in your exact same shoes and I have thought these exact same things... my twin boys couldn't get bf because I couldn't make enough. my boys are 3 years old today and their teacher tells me they are the most active kids in class. they know their concepts very well and are friendly and lovely children. one day they miss school and I get a call from their teachers.
so NO. FORMULA FEEDING does not hamper anything in your child. what option do you have? you can't breastfeed for certain issues and you don't want to formula feed. is there a choice?
alternatively there are milk banks now in India. check online and see if you would want to consider that!! Babychakra can also help you in that case :-)
bringing up twins is a herculean task. don't give in to stress so easily... afterall, now you are supermom!!
Anju Maria
11 Dec 2020