Hi I am in my 30th week..and my doc said that my baby's weight is two weeks ahead ..so they check on my sugar levels...that are bit increased ..normal is 140 and mine is 151.. so I just want to know...is this will create any harm to my baby....
12 Feb 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Divya relax it will not harm your baby . I too had GD and delivered healthy baby.. just control your sugar intake and go high on protein. As Reeti suggested go for walk after every meal. What is the next plan of action your doctor suggested? Are you going to be on medicines? Follow what your doctor says.. and do not take tension or go hungry thinking it will help you to reduce your sugar level. You can control it and it's just 10 more weeks to go.
12 Feb 2018
Reeti Sharma
Try reducing sugar and carb intake and replace them with proteins. Do walk for atleast 30minutes. Stay active and positive
12 Feb 2018
Dr Payal
Babies of diabetic moms tend to have larger babies- wrt size n weight. There are a number of things that ur GYN will look out for. But u don't think abt those possibilities now, u just try to keep ur sugar in check. N pls control ur diet according to what has been recommended to u.<br>
All the possible complications are higher in moms whose sugar has been uncontrolled or poorly controlled thru <u>the</u> pregnancy.<br>
I'm tagging one mom who can help u on this<br>
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 </b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b></b></span>
Rebecca Prakash
12 Feb 2018