Hi, I am worried that the holes in my nipples are less due to which milk flow is less and inspite of long hours of bf my baby is not satisfied. please let me know how to get it checked and what can be done for this?
soniya khurana
24 Feb 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
good girl... take care... 😊👍
27 Feb 2017
soniya khurana
I feel little relaxing and will not give up quickly and will be patient. I agree as she grows things will be better. Thank u so much
27 Feb 2017
soniya khurana
I completely agree with you on above. I have the same feeling that I have to feed her entire day. Anyways I am feeling feels little relaxing
27 Feb 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63724333649d83001690338c </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> initial days you feel like baby is breast feeding the entire day.. i remember sitting for endless hours... now it all seems like some distant dream... baby will get better at breastfeeding as days go by... you have to be patient...
27 Feb 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
soniya, bottle fed babies get nipple confusion. if you are having milk, then there is no low milk production, that is a myth. but yes, if you go for formula, then baby will drink less milk and thereby, your body will think milk requirement has dropped, and it will reduce milk. expressing milk cannot be used to decide the amount of milk you have. think of breastfeeding as trying to empty a river, it never gets empty, even as you are feeding the baby milk gets produced at the ducts, so only feeling of fullness of breast gets reduced. why baby cries after a feed, maybe she slept halfway. you have to keep waking them. why baby slept after formula? her stomach was filled because, sucking a bottle is not as tedious a task as breastfeeding. bf takes time for mom and baby to learn. but in the long run it has immense benefits.
Sheeba Vijesh
27 Feb 2017