Hi. I m 33 yrs old. On 30 st january 2022,i had a medical termination of pregnancy. After that i got my first period on 7 march 22. See since then m having changes in periods although it's coming month by month but sometimes early. My period cycle is of 28-29 days.
But since few months l m Getting very less flow like 2 days hardly.
Yesterday morning i gotta, my periods but i just saw a spot so i took a sanitary pad but no flow since 24 hours.
What to do? Why this is happening.?
I m having an weight gain as well.
Since january 2021 to june 2022 m gained almost 10kgs more like before it was 50kgs now it's 60kgs.
Please please please guide and help.... M afraid to go to doctor.
I also have vitamin b12 and D Difficiency for that also having prescribed supplements.
Rewa B
12 Jul 2022
Rewa B
Since 2017 I m using babychakra app. And highly recommend and appreciate it. <br>
On time help from experienced doctors and fellow mothers.
12 Jul 2022
Rewa B
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @ </b></span> yess madam m already taking vitamins supplements. What can be causes for weight gain? Can u please help me for weight loss. It's causing me legs and back pain... I have started exercising as well.
12 Jul 2022
Dr Pooja
I would request you not to fear and visit the doctor. Due to iron deficiency, the blood qty can get reduced and vit 12 is also along with it. so go to the doctor to start with vitamins
12 Jul 2022
Dr Pooja
Welcome to the BabyChakrafamily, we have a one-word family rule - participate! Congratulation and we welcome you to be a part of this largest community which is growing day by day. I am Dr Pooja Marathe, Community Expert here to help you with the question you ask me. Feel free to ask free questions and follow me on baby chakra app to know more about the session I conduct on the Baby Chakra App
Rewa B
12 Jul 2022