Hi I wanted to make this as an article but things didn't work due to some issue but I felt it's important to write this as it's must need to all new mummies and due to season change it's a need of season can't wait for the article to to published as it would take time, *sorry long post *
Hello new mummies...
Congratulations for little bundle of joy and welcome to motherhood.
After going through few questions I have realized mummies are complaining about baby been colic, crying, not feeding properly, feeding for more hours, vomiting, gas etc...
Let me help you mummies....
How many of you'll let baby burp after feed and then switch to other side for feeding?
For how much time do you let your baby on your shoulder for burping?
Do you give your baby tummy time?
Do feel even after feeding for long hours or feeding in short intervals say like 1 hour still baby is hungry and crying?
Your baby suddenly cries even when fast asleep?
If yes, than only solution to all your questions is BURPING
I am a mother of 26 days old baby, all these days I was also struggling with all these things, after meeting pediatrician and self-research I have come to a solution and it helped me...let's see if it helps you'll too...
Always remember after every feed, put your baby on Ur shoulder in such a way that his / her tummy is pressed against you burping becomes very easy. Sometimes it will take 5 min sometime 30 min...Don’t worry every baby is different so observe your baby carefully. After feeding one side give burp than feed other side. The reason behind this is baby will only feel full and satisfied after burping and as per my pediatrician if baby doesn't burp or pass gas than milk doesn't get digested hence baby becomes cranky, gas is formed, tummy becomes hard, constipation happens, too much watery stool with bubbles are seen, because of this stool baby gets rashes due to more acidic content in stool as milk is not digested and mixed with stomach acid. For proper digestion to happen milk in baby's stomach mixes with stomach acid and aids in proper digestion, but sometimes due to lack of burping or passing of gas this happens .Simply let baby burp and all problem solved, no need for
Any medicine. When a baby burps, they release gas and feel more comfortable.
When to let your baby burp?
You may need to burp your baby if she /he seem uncomfortable during a feed, for example if she squirms or pulls away and starts crying. A good opportunity to burp your baby is when u switches other side. You can also burp her/him after the feed if baby doesn't seem content and is crying.
On your shoulder:
Slowly move your baby next to your body so you do not wake them up. Allow your baby's head or chin to rest on your shoulder and cup their bottom to support them so they don't slip as you hold them. Place your other hand on their back and gently pat it to help them burp.
Sitting on your lap:
• Sit your baby on your lap facing away from you use one of
• Arm to support your baby's body, the palm of your hand supporting her chest while your fingers gently support her chin and jaw. Keep your fingers away from her throat.
• Lean your baby slightly forwards and gently pat or rub her back for a while with your free hand.
Face down across your lap:
Lie your baby face down on your legs, at a right angle to your body so she's lying across your knees. Support your baby's chin and jaw with one hand. Keep your baby's head slightly higher than the rest of her body, so blood doesn't rush to her head. Rub or pat your baby's back gently with the other hand.
All this help your baby stay relaxed and comfortable.
Hope all the above information is helpful for all new mummies.
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Foram Modi
02 Jul 2017