Hi mom's,

My almost 6 weeks old daughter barely sleeps in the night

She keeps waking up and wants to latch all the time

I feel so exhausted to keep waking up and feeding..I ask my mom to swaddle her and sing a lullaby so she falls asleep..but nothing helps

I know she is sleepy cause she yawns...and 2 mins into latching she falls asleep..but when I try to make her burrp, she wakes up and starts crying again and wants to latch again

So basically this cycle goes on and on from 1am to 9am

What should I do in this situation?

I get really tired cause I don't get enough sleep and I feel helpless seeing her like this...any help would be appreciated










Tasneem Sitabkhan

<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6e0b33c0de03004572c596 </b></font> <br> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6128ff3a538620001315df5e </b></font>; thankyou for the help guys:)





Don&rsquo;t worry dear, keep calm n wait for sometime, I had d same problem.. bt d day my baby completed 2 months, he started sleeping at night..




Revauthi Rajamani

Growth spurt occurs in every babies and this is the period where parents are in for a lot of surprises making them go crazy, where parents can see their baby reacting very differently to the everyday routine the once followed until the previous day.<br> When does it happen? <br> Researchers have come to a cumulative conclusion that more or less these growth spurts occurs mostly during the first few days at home after a discharge from the hospital and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months approximately. This does not end there, most moms notice growth spurts every few months during the toddler years and periodically thereafter on through the teenage years.<br> How long does it take to settle? <br> Growth spurt usually occurs for a period of a day or two, but could also take a toll for a week in few babies and that's the mist difficult phase to tackle.<br> What happens during this phase?<br> Breastfed babies nurse often than usual, sometimes as often as every hour. They become extremely fussier.<br> Physical growth like teething is not the only reason that babies may have a temporary need for increased nursing. Babies show up such tantrums when they are trying to learn a new skill such as rolling over, crawling, walking or talking. During this crucial period babies exhibit such behaviour and often feed on mom&#8217;s milk as they feel relived and this feed is important for their growing brain as well as the body. <br> How to handle it? <br> The best and the only way to handle such period in babies is to follow your baby's lead. It's a temporary phase.;




Revauthi Rajamani

I share my articles to help you mommy<br> Babies are just blank slates, you can begin to teach your baby good sleeping habits by establishing a bedtime routine once the baby settles down to the new environment. ; - As your baby's brain and central nervous system mature, her sleep cycles will get longer and more sleep will occur at night. Most babies adjust to the family timetable in a few months or so. ; - A newborn cannot eat all that much in a single feed. If you are breastfeeding, the milk gets digested quickly, which means a baby can wake up hungry and ready to fill the belly. So make sure you feed them on demand. A well fed baby, sleeps well too. ; - Try to nap during your baby's longer stretches of sleep. ; - You can assist the sleeping process by differentiating day and night atmosphere like creating a calm, dark environment at night, while letting the sunshine in during the day. ; - During daytime feedings, talk a lot to your baby, while at night feedings, make the surroundings quiet with as little light as possible. ; - Remove any item from the sleeping area that could potentially suffocate or distract a baby, cause overheating, including blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, or quilts.<br>


