Hi <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63731888e0852e00159b30c2 </b></font>. Even my baby does the same. even i was worried initially. But my doc said its very normal. So dont worry unless there is any redness in that part and baby keeps crying even after passing urine.
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12 Jun 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
Hai Shivi. Yes, it's normal and no need to worry. They will cry and even shiver. It's due to pressure. As new borns don't know many of the things...crying is the only way of expression. Slowly babies will learn. Hope you are enjoying motherhood. Take care.
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12 Jun 2017
shweta sharma
yep its nrml......<br>
my doc tld me dat while urination thy feel pressure on their uterus dats y thy cry<br>
Shivi Dixit
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12 Jun 2017