hi mom's my baby is 6 months 15 days old I have started semi solid food to her but nit time she didn't sleep well every 1 hour she needs feeding I can't sleep please help me to takkle this situation.shall I give any solid at night? help me please.
Gomathi Lakshmi
01 Mar 2017
ruqaiya khan
dear Nithiya, ur baby weight is very good . which means she can sleep without night feed completely . at this point night nursing is jus habit and if u stop will not affect her health . gradually limit the feds until she sleeps well through out the night .
01 Mar 2017
Gomathi Lakshmi
hi,ruqaiya .my baby is completely breastfeeding .I give her morning 12 semisolid evng 5 semisolid .her weight is 7.8 <u>kg</u>
01 Mar 2017
Sheetal Rai
hi nithiya . it's true if ur baby is of the habit of nursing to sleep then even if u introduce solids during night time. she will still require to breastfeed to sleep. it's the same case with my baby. so what I am doing is that I make sure she has dinner by 7 max. and then she plays and engages in other activities. so by the time it's sleeping time there is a good gap of 2 hours. then she nurses to sleep. and doesn't feed till early morning. usually during 6-7 months time some babies go through growth spurts and require those night feedings. so please get a go ahead from ur doctor before deciding to stop night feeding.
01 Mar 2017
ruqaiya khan
dear Nithiya , can u give me baby weight and what her meal times are. . plus did she fall asleep usually after breastfeeding .or is.she formula fed . a 6 month old does not need night feed if she is of healthy <u>weight</u>
01 Mar 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
night time feeds take a time to go away... she may be comfort feeding... when starting solids, you have to gradually increase the times of solids from once a day, twice and then thrice...
ruqaiya khan
01 Mar 2017