Hi moms, my daughter is 3.5months now and since I was suffering from mild fever, last night I tried giving her Similac Iq, though she didn't take much of it but then her potty counts has increased since this noon and it's in liquid form moreover. Is it bcoz of the formula milk that didn't suit her?? What to do now?
Neha Sahni
11 Jul 2017
Neha Sahni
Actually last time I was down with fever on the very next day of my D day so doc asked me not to feed the baby for that vary moment which is why I thought of trying an alternative.... Anyways now I am doing well bas potty counts made me worried... Thanks a lot <u><b><font color ="#3b5998"> @63730f379d0e1b00168a6b74 </font></b></u> <font color ="#3b5998"><b><u> @6372ad0198dafd001537b4e8 </u></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b><u></u></b></font>
11 Jul 2017
Sohini Bairagra
hi neha in fever also u can feed the baby nth will happen. n if u r weak also then also plzz try n lie dwn n feed the baby. the more u feed its better for the baby plus u will also recover fast. there is no better milk then mothers milk. n potty n all is fine it happens smetime. nth to worry abut. take care n hve proper meals n plzz keep urself well hydrated
11 Jul 2017
Madhushree J
don't worry she will be fine by tomorrow..this happens every time you introduce something new to her...you will understand when you start weaning <u>her</u>
Neha Sahni
11 Jul 2017