Hi. My baby is 7 months old. While sleeping or before sleeping he is cranky. Also whenever I take him outside or at function he shows his tantrums and becomes cranky. He wants people around him at home. if he doesn't see anyone he starts crying or screaming. is it normal? any suggestions on this?
Riya Rahul
23 Jan 2017
Kiran Keluskar
same here my baby is also doing same thing
23 Jan 2017
ruqaiya khan
a baby needs a little room to unwind before sleeping thats y it might seem cranky . try to put ur baby to sleep.before he is tired coz that causes crankiness too .
23 Jan 2017
Avni Tulapurkar
it's absolutely normal...when u take him out he doesn't see known faces...so he gets cranky. take him out for a stroll everyday if possible so that he gets used to outside environment
23 Jan 2017
Sonali Shivlani
It is normal for baby to be fussy at functions when surrounded by a large number of strangers and noisy environment. At home when familiar faces are not present he feels the separation anxiety and this is also normal as he does not understand the concept of absence and return of familiar faces. Finally it is very normal for a child this age to resist sleep as it again makes them feel that they are being separated from familiar aspects. This is a phase and he will outgrow it. Just reassure him and most importantly never hide and leave. Let him be aware that you are leaving even if it causes him to throw a tantrum.
Kiran Keluskar
23 Jan 2017