Hi my baby is 8months old. He is not able to sit independently, if i give him something to play then he will sit occasionally. He doesn't crwal yet but enjoys tummy time. Also, he is also taking sides by his own. I have discussed with his doc as per him this is normal in some babies as my baby's weight is qlmost 10kgs and he is a cheerful and quite active baby, but doesn't achieve his milestones on time. I am quite worry about his development. Please suggest did anyone face this. Also he doesn't enjoy semi solids and sticks to formula milk only. I try to give him sopus and purees sometimes he accepts. Overall he is quite active and plays alot.
Tanya Walia
18 Mar 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Hi please big NO to walkers, it's banned in many countries and it deleys walking and weakens the pelvic muscles. Your baby is doibg fine, give him time and trust your baby that's the first encouragement you can ever give a child. My daughter sat independently only after 8 months and only by 14 months she started walking. There is no hurry.
19 Mar 2019
Thank you so much for such encouraging words. But could you suggest me anything to fasten his growth. I give him ample of tummy time and he enjoys that. I am also planning to put him in walker in 3-4 days.
18 Mar 2019
Sania Bhushan
There is nothing to worry,ur baby is quite active.If the baby is active then weight doesnot matter.Some babies take their time to achieve theii milestones.So donot worry,let the baby take his time
Rebecca Prakash
19 Mar 2019