hi my baby started to crawl nw...it's really amazing to see,my little one growing...br her sleeping pattern is varied she is waking up in the middle of the night n starts crawling n pulling the objects....n she is nt even sleeping in day time also im really tired on making her to sleep...will it affect her growth..bcoz every one is telling tat a child shld sleep well to hv a healthy body...my girl had nt slept since birth...im really worried will it b the reason for nt gaining weight....
Bhuvana Venkat
03 Jun 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
hi bhuvana, agree with roopashree, my boy will not sleep if its not pin drop silence... also, put baby to sleep before she gets over tired... <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729949e0852e00159b24e9 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>please advise...
04 Jun 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
Babies usually sleep for more. But now a days.. kids will be very active and restless. May be due to noise, light or parents sleeping pattern..don't know. Don't worry... they nap they will take , every now and then will charge them. As baby has acquired new set of skills...baby is restless to practice it to perfection and also.. keep baby's fav toy near to baby. Don't allow to take sleep or take name after 6 pm. Feed solids..so that baby can sleep long and use diaper . Baby due to hunger or wetness may wake up. Make sure..once baby sleeps..there is no disturbance. Sometimes baby sleeps.. and parents will start watching TV or talking..and the moment , they go to bed.. baby wakes up. ( many say so..) That's because..baby is used to noise and sound..the moment TV is off and ppl stopped talking ....the silence will disturb and baby wakes up. Be careful.As baby is pulling..careful with your phones, electric and electronic items, beauty products , Medicines and things harmful for baby should not be in reach. Keep the bathroom doors closed.
03 Jun 2017
Bhuvana Venkat
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d0591b34e550013eb9a72 </b></font>
03 Jun 2017
Avni Tulapurkar
Hi Bhuvana...These r amazing moments ...and your baby is trying to explore so enjoy dear.<br>
Your baby is super active ...and for her age she should be sleeping around 12 to 14 hours but some babies sleep less. You have to see to it that she gains weight as per her age..so keep checking that every month
03 Jun 2017
Bhuvana Venkat
pls answer<b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </font></b><font color ="#3b5998"><b> @629847e308f7c30014119c82 </b></font>
Sheeba Vijesh
04 Jun 2017