Hi, my little girl went through a traumatic experience at age 2 in her playschool. This was within first few days of her joining when she was going through a terrible phase of separation anxiety and used to cry a lot when I left her there. One of the maids in the school used to tell her 'chup kar' when she cried. Also this maid tried to forcefully potty train my baby when she was in an unfamiliar environment,with unfamiliar rude people and just not ready. This was despite my request to not touch her diaper and potty train as I knew she was not ready. This lasted for close to a 20-25 days, before it came to my notice (there was a scratch on her arm and inner thigh as she had nearly fallen inside the pot during a forceful potty training event). I spoke to the centre manager, she checked cctv and promptly threw out the maid. After that my child continued going there, was happy and thrived however the trauma of the earlier mistreatment has not left her. It is manifesting now when she turned 3. She tells us, chup; kar ', if we stop her or say something to her. Also the biggest issue is in potty training.; While she will tell me when she wants to poo or pee, she just refuses to sit on any kind of potty seat or the pot. She will stand in the bathroom n pee. When she wants to go potty, she will insist that I put a diaper on her and only then she will pop or else she stops it. I've tried many ways but she refuses to sit on a pot. Can someone help me on hoe to proceed or maybe suggest a child psychologist who can help.; Feeling disheartened.; Thanks