Hi. My Lo wants to be constantly carried when she's sleepy. Doesn't sleep in rocker or on bed and wakes up as soon as she's put down once she sleeps. how to put the habit of sleeping on bed? night she sleeps in her crib. My back is giving up cos of the constant crying.
vanita s
23 Jan 2017
vanita s
thank you all
24 Jan 2017
ruqaiya khan
dear Vanita c , try to put the baby to sleep.when she is most sleepy . initially u need to soothe her but limit the picking up . practice this enough so baby can learn .
23 Jan 2017
Kaushal Sovani
It is such a marvel how babies pick up subtle cues, isn't it?
So along with what Sonali and Payal have suggested, you can also try to wear ur baby in an ergonomic baby carrier. Research shows that babies that are worn, sleep better. The snug and cozy feeling provides comfort and security to the little one.
And u know the beauty of it??? These carriers allow you to carry the babies in a natural way. So the baby is up and close to mom/caregiver/father and your hands and back won't pain. Ergonomic carriers are designed to give enough support to the wearer's back as well.
Once your bub has slept, you can do a successful transfer from the carrier to a cot/bed too with little practice.
Rings Slings are great to start with. You can also try wraps and Meh Dai
Best wishes...
23 Jan 2017
Dr Payal
there is almost no mom who hasn't gone through what you have described. But gradually babies do settle down. ler her drift into a deep slwwp first.keep your hand/ pillow around her for few minutes when you put her down so she feels u r nearby. (then dont forget to remove pillow).
23 Jan 2017
vanita s
thanks dr. I did try tat. however there so much howling I could take and pick her up. should she be left to completely self soothe ? because she seems to already know that if she cries for sometime we pick her.
vanita s
24 Jan 2017