hi, my son is 2.3 years old. very attached to his bottle but i am done washing and sterilising it daily (esp while travelling) and plus its not good for his health. i have tried everyway of weaning him off but he cries his lungs out which is unbearable for me to see him like that.
can i use femite on the bottle nipple? probably he himself will realise it doesnt taste good and will give it up? im tryig every possible way
pls help
01 Feb 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
I followed the cold turkey method. U need patience to see the results<br>
;I just completely took him away and gave my son a sippy cup, he threw tantrums, and of course would refuse to drink out of them, but eventually he got to the point where he really wanted; milk (and realized the milk was in the cup), and would just start drinking from it.<br>
If possible try it.<br>
We used Avent bottles and found that the Avent sippy cup tops fit onto the bottle bottoms <u>my</u> 2-year-old still liked the feel of the bottle, but didn't mind the sippy top.
01 Feb 2018
shweta umesh
i have tried everything. i have a shop of sippers and cups in my house but all in vain.
01 Feb 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Hi mommy<br>
Femite is a good option for thunbsucking kids but if u wish to try do so.<br>
Have u tried using colourful sippers, water bottles, glasses personalised with your son's image, this actually motivates them to use the cups if personalised.
Revauthi Rajamani
01 Feb 2018