Hi.. my toddler has been suffering from severe throat infection have been giving her prescribed meds, but she is completely refusing to eat, even the milk, docs are advising to give her fluids but she just doesn't listen and starts throwing everything out, we were also admitted for a day, even there she just refused food, she only drinks water, can anyone please help me understand and guide what to do.. would really appreciate every advise.... thanks a very desperate mom..
22 May 2017
As advised by <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63740e61562cd100155a692e </b></font>.
Add each medicine to a little honey or milk or water and give it before a meal (mask it).not after food..if poss get her for checkup.
23 May 2017
Neha Gupta
Dear try to eat food or medicine your baby by engaging with song or cartoon clips in you- tube ......may be baby eat to start with 1-2 bites....by watching videos....
22 May 2017
asha chaudhry
hi aarti i agree with <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63713f4617d2c800158d383d </b></font> . just pls follow doctor's advise. hope ur bubs gets well soon! <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </b></font>any advice?
22 May 2017
Rhituparna Mitra
Her throat seems to be badly infected so the pain in the muscles around is preventing her from eating. please go by doctor's advice. In such cases, doctors advise intravenous fluids. Till then, keep trying fluids even if it is one spoon at a time. But typically milk should strictly be avoided as it is a complex protein to digest and the body needs rest. Give her fruits juices, fruit pulp or date paste(soak in warm water and grind). Even 1 spoon per hour will give her body the energy and material to heal. Once she feels better, her intake should improve. But don't give her anything with salt or so, even a mild soup can irritate her throat and cause her to throw up.
23 May 2017