I'm 25 weeks pregnant and I've been having cold and cough on and off since 2 months but this time it's been too bad. I've got cough congestion in my chest and I keep coughing alot.
I've tried mostly everything like haldi milk and warm salted water gargle Nd ginger honey and even hot water vapour.
Please help if I can do something to cure my cold and cough coz I have a disturbing night due to this. And also that my stomach aches coz of lot of coughing.
Thanks in advance. #askneha
Vidhi Desai
22 Mar 2018
Vidhi Desai
Thank you so much for ur valuable help....
23 Mar 2018
Hi Vidhi! Read your post just wanted to share my view with you, buy yourself Patanjali swasaari pravaahi (it's a syrup easy to consume) along with it buy sitopalaadi churna (any brand like Dabur/Zandu/Patanjali) this churna is taken along with honey, both the things will help you reducing and releasing cough. Apart from it avoid fried and oily for some time and cold things. Both the things are safe to use in pregnancy. Post you get relief with the consultation of doctor you can start consuming Giloy vati(patanjali, to boost your immunity) safe to use in pregnancy..
23 Mar 2018
Neha Misra
While home remedies are the safest.. if all these home reminds have not been working until now and the cough & cold are bothering u this much then please visit the doc and maybe u need to take some meds (safe for consumption during pregnancy) to tackle the infection. 2 months is too long for a cough & cold u last. It cud also be some serious allergy. Pls get it checked
Vidhi Desai
23 Mar 2018