Hii Mommies and mommy to be.. this is my first post and I want to share my weight loss journey with u all.. pregnancy and delivery phase brings a lot of changes in your body and you becomes physically and emotionally weak..this happened with me as well but when I look back, I have no regret of anything because I enjoyed every moment with my baby.. Mine was a c section delivery.. in 1st pregnancy you don't know what to do,; eat and how to manage the physical changes..i had nausea so I used to eat a lot of sweets and so ended with 22kg high than my pre pregnancy weight.. though all the tests were normal so my doctor didn't ask me to control my diet.. post delivery I lost 4kg that is my baby weight but Thanx to Indian postpartum food,; I gained 2kg back means still m 20kg up.. Till 3 months I didn't move a bit n took rest and this made my body stiff.. even I wasn't able to do pranayam..that day I thought that I should get rid of this extra fat else I won't b able to do anything.. slowly I started walking and yoga.. some clean eating habits and breastfeeding helped me to lose 17kg weight in 4.5 month and still I am on my way to it. I vl share my diet and exercise routine with you all which will help you to get over from postpartum pain and you will feel light.. m sharing my pic which shows you my before and after look.. Thanx for reading and get ready to go on weight and fat loss journey with me.
24 Jan 2018
sheetal patel
Roopal sarda yes ofcourse
25 Jan 2018
sheetal chopra
we Will definately do it roopal
25 Jan 2018
Sonam Chawla
Great man <br>
waiting for more tips
Like (1)
24 Jan 2018
Roopal Sarda
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372bade2338f60015eaf1f7 </b></font> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6373b984ee172a001549f9b7 </b></font> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d9520202a1a0013094bd1 </b></font> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d8f5fb34e550013ec20fb </b></font>; <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d9a03f31520016a69f94 </b></font> vl share soon...and if I can then u can do it too 😊
24 Jan 2018
Roopal Sarda
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font> Thanx a <u>lot</u>..
sheetal patel
25 Jan 2018