hi...my baby is 3 months old. he always turns his head towards left side and also most of the time he see only left direction . he is not turning to other side. we tried making sounds and make him turn but he is not turning.how can we sort this?how long it will take to recover
sathya priya
19 Oct 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
maybe he has got comfortable to that side... keep a rolled towel or something on left in such a way that he cant turn head to left while you are near him and sit on his right.. do this at intervals to encourage looking to right... he's likely to cry when you do this, but please be persistent...
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20 Oct 2017
thanks for your reply.. .no specific light or colour in left side..if i hold him in hand or make him lie down in flat surface he is sees in left direction...i have tried making noise to his opposite side ...he is not turning..he is just listing to the sound..
19 Oct 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
hi dear, is there a source of light on his left side? If yes, then that's the reason to turn so... either change his position, or hang a colourful musical toy above(not directly over his head, but his vision should be directed forward).... do not let him look on one side alone...
19 Oct 2017
Sheeba Rizvi
Hey don't let him be on one side only if he isn't ready to turn his face just change his direction.....May be he is attracted with something may be some color<br>
.....just try to make out .....while massage do light neck exercise if he cries in turning neck dont force it and show him to your doc....take care...<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font> give some tips <u>dear</u>
Sheeba Vijesh
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20 Oct 2017