Hola amigos! So I turned 29 yesterday. I was going to write today. But it's already 12 am. So the new day has begun. Yesterday seems like such a blur! I am finally lying down on my bed and there is some peace. My daughter and my husband are sound asleep and I am sitting here like an owl thinking how did the entire day just fly by? Does it happen with you too? One moment it's morning and before you know it's time to hit the bed. Thank-you everyone who took a moment and sent me their wishes and blessings. It means a lot. So I have this firm belief that what you do on your birthday, you will hopefully do it in the rest of the year as well. So I had two options last evening- either go out and celebrate or stay at home and finish my workout for the day. I ended up choosing the second. Yes I am quite a fitness nerd that way. Haha. But I did have some yummy cake at home after wards. So it made up for the not going out earlier. Never say no to cake. Ever. Just work hard to burn those calories later! I did a simple hatha yoga sequence coupled with some core and leg work. I wish I could post videos of the same. But I am sharing a photo of how to do a basic squat. This is good for a beginner as well as a pro. It can be modified depending on your comfort and strength.
Alignment -
Feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Keep them almost parallel. A slight outward turn is fine.
Knees should not cross the toes. Neutral arch in the spine.
Hips lower than parallel.
Weight distributed well on the feet but lean slightly more on the heels.
Imagine you are sitting on a chair. Hands can be outstretched in front of you or close to your chest with fingers lightly clasped.
You should be feeling the pressure on the thighs, calves, lower back but never on the knees.
Gaze in front of you.
Neck should be soft.
No hunch in the shoulders. Beginner tip- Don't sit this low. Hips can be raised slightly if your hamstrings need more opening up. You can also support your back against a walk
wall for a wall chair squat. For a good workout- Combine a static squat - 10 breaths, dynamic squat (inhale sit in a squat & exhale get up squeezing your glutes) for 10 counts and squat pulses - 15 count. For a squat pulse stay in a static squat and gently pulse by moving only your hips up and down. Do 2 reps of these. Increase or decrease the count depending on your comfort. Make sure to warm up before and cool down after. If at anytime you feel a pinching pain in your knee please stop. You may have to strengthen your legs before you attempt this. Stay healthy. Stay happy.
Have a safe practice.
Namaste. #SlayFitMama
20 Jul 2017
sorry dear I know it's too... late but I just saw ur post... Wish you a very very belated happy birthday.....😘😘
26 Jul 2017
Sachi Singhal
Belated birthday <font color ="#3b5998"><b><u> @63729cb62338f60015eaef4c </u></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b><u></u></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b><u></u></b></font>. Stay healthy and Keep inspiring us 😁💞👍
25 Jul 2017
Sangeetha Karuna
Sorry dear, just now saw your post. Belated wishes to you☺️ as always stay young and fit. 💃
26 Jul 2017