Soak all the ingredients in water for 1 hour, rinse and dry them.
Roast Rice till they become little like puffed rice.
Roast Dal golden brown.
Roast Sago till they are little dry and crispy.
Roast Wheat Daliya golden brown.
Roast Horse Gram till dry and crispy.
Roast roasted bengal gram till crispy.
Roast Green Gram till the color changes form green to mild brown
Roast corn golden brown or till they crackle.
Roast Almonds and Elachi till they leave aroma.
Roast Cashew till golden brown
Let them cool for few minutes. *cook on low flame otherwise it will taste bitter if it gets burnt. In addition to this you can add ragi, peanuts,jowar, bajra, yellow moong dal, oats in equal quatity.
Grind the roasted ingredients using blender into a fine powder.
Sift the the; flour to make it more finer.
Stored in airtight container for atleast 1 month.
How to prepare for Babies Mix 2 tablespoon of powder with water without lumps. Cook the mixture in medium flame for atleast 10 minutes. Fruits can be added to the porridge to make it sweet. How to prepare; for toddlers 1. To a cup of milk add a half cup of water with 2 tablespoon of this; powder. Mix without lumps.Cook them in low flame till the mixture is completely cooked. Add sugar and serve hot. You can add ghee also. #recipe #babies#toddlers
18 Jan 2018
Taheseen Asif
Yes you can give follow 3 days rule check for any kind of allergic <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d97eb202a1a0013094f45 </b></font>
25 Oct 2018
abhilasha paul
Is it recommend for 6 month old ?
25 Oct 2018
Vibhuti Kapoor
Okk thanks alot <u>dear</u>
30 Apr 2018
Taheseen Asif
There is no side effect as all ingredients are soaked and <u>roasted</u>
30 Apr 2018
Vibhuti Kapoor
Do this recipe has any side effects as pulses are not boiled with whisle?
Taheseen Asif
25 Oct 2018