Home remedies to treat low iron in toddlers:- . 1. Give Apple-Beetroot Juice: Apple is loaded with iron and various other friendly components. Beetroot, on the other hand, has high amounts of folic acid and high quantities of potassium and fiber. In order to give to the toddler, prepare apple and beetroot juice and add some honey for extra flavor to boost iron absorption. 2. Make your baby eat Pomegranate: It is known as a super fruit which has many benefits. It is loaded with fiber, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and sugar. It is an excellent source of calcium and iron. It increases the count of hemoglobin and supports healthy blood flow. Give your baby pomegranate juice on an empty stomach. 3. Include Tomatoes in your baby’s diet: It is not sufficient to have iron but it is important to absorb iron as well. Tomatoes help in the absorption of iron. 4. Parsley: It is one of the most popular herbs in the world and it is loaded with folic acid. Parsley provides 5.5 mg of iron per 100 gm. Infants can have it in the form of juice and soups. Also, include more green vegetables in your child’s diet as they contain a lot of iron. 5. Foods rich in Vitamin C – Give your child Vitamin C- rich foods, as it helps to bind the iron to the blood. Lack of Vitamin C can result in poor absorption of iron in the blood. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, papaya, guava, apricots, cabbage, spinach, and onions. 6. Cook in iron pots – One of the best ways to increase the iron content of foods is to cook food in iron skillets and pots. This increases the iron content of foods, especially tomatoes. 7. Drink Copper Water – Drinking water stored in copper vessels overnight, helps to replenish the natural nutrients of the body and is also a great remedy for treating hair loss. Make your child drink water stored in copper vessels. #iron#toddlerlife#toddler#parenting#parentingblogger#parentingtips#lowiron#irondeficiency#homeremedies#BBCreatorsClub#rsairajeswari#motherhood#parentingjourney#momtips
15 Jul 2019