Be positive and active but dont wrry on mode of delivery. Focus on your and the baby's well being.
08 Dec 2018
Resham Java
Lipika.. I understand your concern as a mommy. We all have that thing in our mind constantly thru out preg. 1st of all it's too early to judge or day that normal or section. As of now I would highly recommend that you eat well. Walk alot and yes be active as you can. Normal or section also depends on lots of other factors such as babys position. So don't wrry about it now. And yes do read this article <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="">Natural Delivery II C-Section</a></b></span>
07 Dec 2018
Aditi Ahuja
<font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="">Steps To Ensure A Normal Delivery</a></b></font>
07 Dec 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
It depends on how you progress with the pregnancy and the baby's health condition. Eat a well balanced diet, stay hydrated, avoid eating processed foods and fast foods, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, stay active, maintain a healthy life style, take meds on time and go for regular check
Satarupa B
08 Dec 2018