How I manage myself when I am in full of stress???
Read it below👇
Too much stress can have a devastating impact on your health and well-being. .
Mums are not very good at putting themselves first. Learn to always consider your wellbeing in everything you do.When we are calm, we can let go of things that aren’t important.
I regularly stop myself throughout the day and just ask myself a simple question, “How am I in this moment?”, then I mentally check around my body and check on my actions and thinking. “Am I just worrying for no reason?”
Time regular tasks as you do them so you know how long they really take. Sometimes the;solution to stress;caused by being in a rush is accepting that we can’t do anything about it.
We are social creatures and as well as needing to be alone sometimes, we also like to be with others.; Spend time with the people who make you feel good, and consider spending less time with the people who don’t. .
Perhaps you have some tips to share. Please do leave a comment below.
15 Apr 2019