How I was able to influence moms to breastfeed and not give up?

If one thing that came easy in my life, it was Breast Milk 🤷‍♀️. I was 30 plus when I delivered, and a few taunted that I may not get that much milk. I remember asking this question on BabyChakra, and fellow mommies gave a lot of positive answers. I added this breastmilk concern to my daily Prayer. Mine was a planned C-section in the 39th week. I did not get colostrum immediately. I was reading a lot of stories on BabyChakra about moms not getting milk; babies not latching, and so on. I was 100% sure that my baby won't latch and drink immediately when I was asked to breastfeed, 2 nurses were there to assist me. I was surprised when my daughter latched and sucked milk like a pro, even the nurses were a little taken back.

Before you could think how easy this was, let me tell you it's been 19 months since I slept for 4 hrs straight. I had sore nipples, back pain, sleepless nights, feeding at odd places wherever we traveled - Hotels, flights, churches, ola rides, etc. I promised myself that I will breastfeed till she is 6 months old, but I was so motivated that I decided to keep this journey going.. 19 months, and we are strong.

I can count the no of times my daughter had been sick, maybe 3 or 4 hospital visit (touchwood), My daughter gets comforted the moment I latch her, it puts her to sleep. I didn't want to keep this happiness just to me, I wanted other moms to know this sweet feeling and how it's going to benefit the baby.

I get tagged in Breastfeeding success stories of many moms, and a few even send private msgs and thank me. Of course, few took it negatively, but this will not stop me. I will continue to encourage new mothers to breastfeed and never give up. If a new mother says she is unable to breastfeed, Please be kind and encourage her to try and not give up. Do not suggest formula immediately. Breastfeeding is a social issue, and we need to encourage each other. A support system is very important for a mom to breastfeed exclusively.

Breastfeeding is a Social Responsibility!

Rebecca Prakash










Durga salvi

Really nice.


