How much exposure is too much or too less for kids.. what is nominal for one can be too much for another child... It all depends on their grasping power, their creativity, their ability to understand and their thought process... If you tell colors to kids oneight pick up fast even know difficult ones like teal, turquoise, burgundy or different names of shapes.. but other child might only know basic colour names and will say light blue or dark blue only. One child know well about technology how to operate laptop / mobile and other is still just trying his hands. So how do we draw a line that this is the limit or how we do decide Okie this is good for my kid and more than this will be too much for him...
My son was around 2.5 yes old when I started telling him about brands of cars. This I started more to make him sit on my lap while on scooter or in car and slowly he started picking up. I use to draw the logos of the automobiles and tell him the names. Today he know the brand and also many car names also as we keep telling him. He has also developed his interest on F1 - Formula 1 racing and Love to watch when race is coming. So this has been a good learning for him.
But on contrary I used to take mobile phone to make him sit and eat, which was mistake I did but what to do we moms look for easy way out sometimes. Later he got this habit of eating only when I play videos on my mobile. I took me time to get rid of this habit of his but now he can operate mobile very well. He will try to learn to unlock pattern lock or keep asking us what is the password. Once he gets into phone he know where is music, how to operate YouTube and where to do video calls and watsapp calls.. so I don't know if this is good or bad for him.;
So I want to know from you all where you create a line that this is the threshold for exposure to media / TV / mobile or anything else... Looking for ideas and answers from a of you...
#beingmom #bangaloremoms
17 Jan 2018
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5c089dc2de0015c6e9c0 </b></font> just posted post on how I managed to get my son out of mobile habit
18 Jan 2018
Madhavi Cholera
yes, richa plz suggest some ideas to us for make budget free life of kidoos☺<br>
no mobile no tv while eating special<u>y</u>.😐
18 Jan 2018
asha chaudhry
I can imagine dear. And as they grow older their habits keep changing. Some become very annoying as well grrr!
18 Jan 2018
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font> I will share in another post that.. bahut papad bele Hain 😂😂😂
18 Jan 2018
asha chaudhry
hi richa. i'm more curious to know how you were able to kick the habit of watching mobile while eating. pls share how u did. will help many many other moms. TIA.
18 Jan 2018