How to clean baby's bottle and utensils. Do we need to sterilize bottle after every use. Is it preferable to give baby food in bottle or with spoon. Too confused. And what kind of utensils and spoon to use for baby.
snigdha sahoo
11 May 2017
snigdha sahoo
Thank you all.
12 May 2017
I used to sterlize bottles after every feed after washing it with pigeon bottle cleaner foam..for eatables I was using silver bowl and spoon till one year and used to wash it with normal utensil cleaner and after 1 year switched to normal steel utensils.
11 May 2017
aditi manja
hi snigdha. very well advised by all. but to be honest with you I was never too finicky with sterilizing.I never used a bottle for my daughter. I would once wash her bowl, spoon and glass with clean water and let it dry on top of a heated plate so that it dries up before her meal times. I use silver ware for her. But steel will be just fine I am sure. Just make sure they have no sharp edges. I use our normal dish soap to clean her utensils. Just make sure you wash the utensils very well to remove traces of any soap. Hope this helps :) Tc!
11 May 2017
asha chaudhry
hi snigdha, i used to use a big steel ka pateela and boil all baby's steel vessels inside. also bottle. u must clean bottle wth brush every time and sterlise also. pls use liquid soap for baby's dishes. have a pair of steel tongs (chimta) to take out sterlised bowls etc from big vessel. <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font> <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @63729cb62338f60015eaef4c </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63713f4617d2c800158d383d </b></font> #tagfwd
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11 May 2017
Sonika Singh
Hi Snigdha..yes we need sterilize bottle....yes would be gud if you use spoon... please clear bottle after baby drink milk...wash bottle with liquid soap and brush...after washing put bottle on boil water for 15to20min..then used it....if you not used it keep bottle in refrigerator..
snigdha sahoo
12 May 2017