How to prepare yourself to welcome a baby? Read on to know how!
Becoming parents for the very first time is an unforgettable and overwhelming experience altogether. You are currently in the most positive state of mind as you’re expecting and eagerly waiting the arrival of your precious bundle of joy! You’ll need to prepare yourself well and fuel your body in a right way. Presenting you..a mum’s simple tips to follow during pregnancy to maintain good health for yourself and your little one.
Be active and make a habit of exercising daily : Walking every day for half an hour, doing yoga, mild exercises and stretching would be great! Eat healthy food : Draw a chart or pen down what you’re gonna eat over the week. Include fresh salads,plenty of water & fruit juices on daily basis. Your diet should fetch you vitamins, calcium, protein, carbohydrates and minerals.Avoid outside food,alcohol and smoking. Follow your doctor’s advice : Go for regular checkups and do not forget to take your iron and vitamin supplements! Personal hygiene is essential : Keeping yourself hygienic prevents you from falling sick and in a way keeps your mood lightened up. Keep the house clean to prevent infections : Cleaning of environment around you will ensure safety of you ans your little one’s well being & good health. Shop everything you’ll need post pregnancy : All the baby essentials from a diaper to a cot, breastfeeding essentials, comfy clothing for you and medicines!
Above all just be happy and stay more relaxed..avoid watching birthing videos or content related to child birth (You can grab information but do not make a habit of doing’ll unnecessarily be scared to face the due date) because every labor and birth story is different!
Madhavi Cholera
09 Feb 2020