Hi my daughter is 15 months and I'm weaning her gently, first I cut on day feeds very slowly 1 feed at a time. Stopped the after bath feed and kept only 1 feed at 3 PM but for past 1 week I cut that also, but if she cries i give in because there is no point in making a child cry. Still keeping the night and early morning feeds , will keep till 2 years at least. World health organizations recommends 2 years of breast because they will go through lot of illness, growth spurts, teething etc between 12 to 24 months. Be gentle in weaning, it makes a huge difference in their behavior in later stage.
12 Apr 2019
Kavita Sahany
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/3966">Weaning Worry: How To Stop Breastfeeding</a></b></span>
12 Apr 2019
Kavita Sahany
First you try to avoid during the day time then gradually during night time ..you have to be strong and rigid here ..give other food items like milkshakes and juices and heavy food at night ...<br>
Simply don't give into the demands and distract..
Rebecca Prakash
12 Apr 2019